The Radmalls

The Radmalls

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Top 5 - June 2015

Payton Millie
3 years

1 - Payton turned 3 this month. When did that happen? She is the sweetest and most sympathetic girl. Anytime anybody gets hurt or anyone is sad she is gravely concerned. She always wants to play doctor and put neosporn and band aids on anything including all of her animals and dolls. 

2 - She is really into singing lately. Not one song in particular. Actually she basically just talks in song. She narrates everything she is doing in song. It is pretty hilarious. The other day she sang "I am singing and making music and singing in the car with my blankey in my lap!"  It cracked me up. She reminds me of Will Ferrel from elf when he sings a Christmas gram in his dad's office. 

3 - My all time favorite thing is that out of nowhere she will say "Mom, I love you this much" and hold her arms out as wide as she can. Then she will say "Show me how you love me" and I will do the same to which she responds "that's a looot..."  It melts my heart. 

4 - I don't know if you have heard of Magic clip dolls, but they are Payton's favorite toys. She takes at least two of them with her everywhere she goes. She is really creative these days and is always laying pretend with them and making them talk. Any long car ride I make sure she has them because they keep her very entertained. One time we forgot them and as I was driving I heard her in the back seat having a pretend conversation with someone. I look back there and she has her two hands in a fist and is making her hands talk to each other like they are her dolls. Who needs toys when you have your hands? 

5 - A few weeks after Cooper was born we asked her how much she loved him. She held out her thumb and pointer finger about an inch apart and said this much. Then said, "but I love you and daddy this much" while stretching her arms out wide. That worried me a little but I thought it was probably normal. The other week out of nowhere she looked at me and said "Mommy I love Cooper this much now" and stretched her arms out wide. So cute. 

Cooper Seth 
2 months

1 - He loves smiling these days. All I have to do to get him to smile is get close to his face and use my annoying baby voice and that kid is one happy baby. 

2 - He is cooing and talking like crazy. It is my favorite thing in the world. I try to capture it on camera but every time I try to record him he stops talking and looking at me and stares at my phone in awe. 

3 - The first month he literally cried 75% of the day. It was so hard. But at month two it was like a switch was flipped. He is so chill and calm lately and I love it. We went to seven peaks this weekend and he fell asleep in my lap in the wave pool for a good hour.

4 - I feel like I am going to jinx myself but he has slept through the night a solid 6-8 hours straight the past week. I hope it continues. 

5 - He has discovered his hands. He doesn't quite have the dexterity to suck just his thumb or just one finger but he does find a way to shove his whole fist in his mouth. It's pretty amusing. 

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