The Radmalls

The Radmalls

Monday, February 29, 2016

Top 5 - February 2016

Payton Millie - 3 Years 8 Months

1 - Payton has SUCH a good memory.  A year ago Tyler took her to Disney on Ice and Payton was so excited the whole time to see Elsa and Anna.  She kept asking Tyler when they were going to come out.  They never did and to say she was devastated is an understatement.  Tyler told her that they couldn't come that night because they were sick.  Lol.  So this year they have Frozen on Ice and Tyler told Payton they were going to go again.  Payton responded by asking "Are Elsa and Anna going to be sick or will they be there this time?"  Are you kidding?  Not only was it a year ago but she was 2 then!  How does she remember that?

2 - The past month Payton has made a decision to test out the waters of defiance.  She has always been a very obedient girl (I got really lucky with her being my first and am in a rude awakening with the rest of my kids).  Although the past month it is like she has flipped a switch.  Maybe it is all the moving we have been doing and maybe it is just a phase (I really really hope so), but she says NO to everything.  I swear I hear the phrase "Mommy I want to make a bad choice right now" at least 20 times a day.  It is definitely testing my patience.

3 - Every time we get in the car to go somewhere Payton has her hands full of about 5 or more toys that she wants to bring with her.  It is such a process to get her down to just 2.  I feel like my car is a breeding zone for toys.

4 - Payton is so sweet.  Cooper was crying the other night while I was making dinner and after only a few minutes she went over to him and started singing him a song she made up on the spot about how she loves him and why he shouldn't cry anymore.  She kept hugging him and giving him kisses.  It melted my heart.  

5 - Everything turns into a pretend character that she plays pretend with.  Her chore in our house is to put the silverware away from the dishwasher and she used about 10 different knives/forks/spoons and had a whole conversation with them and was playing some sort of princess scenario with them.  Everything these days is princess.  I can't wait for Cooper to throw some less girly things in the mix at our house.

Cooper Seth - 10 Months

1- We finally found Cooper's ticklish spot.  If you tickle him right on his lower tummy around his sides he starts giggling like crazy and squirming.  

2 -  He loves his thumb a little too much.  A few months ago I remember whenever I would bring him into his room from nap time or bed time the thumb would automatically go in his mouth.  That doesn't happen anymore because it is ALWAYS in his mouth.  Even in between shoving food into his mouth.  It is going to be a serious problem when he gets older...but right now I don't care because it is so dang cute.

3 - He has become a MOMMA's boy for sure.  Whenever I am not home and Tyler is watching the kids Tyler says that he is so happy and crawls around and plays, but the second I get home and he hears my voice he starts crying and crawls over to my feet for me to pick him up.  

4 - His two new skills that he is really proud of is clapping and pointing.  Sometimes I have no idea what he is pointing at but he will sit there and point and babble to himself.  

5 - He still wears 3-6 month shoes and his feet don't seem to be growing anytime soon.